Home Resources
The role of FAPSA, policies and guidelines.
- IAPC (Institute (for the Advancement of Philosophy for Children) montclair.edu/iapc/
- ICPIC (International Council of Philosophy with Children) icpic.org
- PPAI (Philosophical Practitioner's Association of India) ppai-edu.in
- SAPERE P4C (Society for the Advancement of Philosophical Enquiry and Reflection in Education, UK) sapere.org.uk
- Sophia Network (European Foundation for the Advancement of doing Philosophy with Children) sophianetwork.eu
- PCYNAP (Philosophy with Children and Youth Network for Asia and the Pacific) pcynap.net
- PLATO (Philosophy Learning and Teaching Organisation, USA) https://www.plato-philosophy.org/
- NAACI (North American Association for the Community of Inquiry) naaci-philo.org
- P4C China www.p4c.org.cn
- Centro de Filosofía para niños (Spain) filosofiaparaninos.org
- ACPC (Austrian Centre of Philosophy for Children) www-gewi.uni-graz.at/acpc
- Akademie Kinder Philosophieren (Germany) kinder-philosophieren.de
- Big Thinkers P4C Centre (Mexico) facebook.com/centrodefpn
- Espacio Filosofía para Niñxs (Argentina) espaciofpn.com
- IPP (Institute of Philosophical Practices, France) pratiques-philosophiques.fr
- ICPE (Israeli Centre for Philosophy in Education) www.philosophy4life.org
- University of Washington Center for Philosophy for Children philosophyforchildren.org
- Vancouver Institute of Philosophy for Children vip4c.ca
- Critical and Creative Thinking (The old journal of FAPSA)
- The Journal of Philosophy for Schools (The official Journal of FAPSA)
- The Philosophy Document Centre
- Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children
- Questions: Philosophy for Young People
- Analytic Teaching and Philosophical Praxis
- Childhood & Philosophy
- Philosophy
Other Materials
- Sprague Library Philosophy for Children Collection
- IAPC Digital Commons (Includes full text of Lipman & Sharp teaching novels and manuals)
- Free Resources from The Philosophy Man
- Free Resources from SAPERE
- Free Resources from The Prindle Institute for Philosophy
- Free Resources from The North Lakes School, UK
- Article index for P4C from Phil Papers